Articles Dog Care

A Troubled Dog Is Usually A Bored Dog

Walking your dog
Walking your dog

Would you like to save a dog from the pound? Or maybe you want to get a dog that is purebred. No matter your reasoning for getting a dog, your life will be changed by the love of your dog. Although, having a dog is a great responsibility that must be considered before jumping into getting one.

You will pay a lot to take care for your dog. Every dog requires good quality food, general supplies and medical care; this can range in cost from $700 to $1000 per year. Also, emergency care is a lot if your dog was to ever get sick; you may want to think about pet insurance.

It’s good to give hugs, but avoid giving kisses. Kisses from dogs are adorable, but they’re a lot less cute when you realize how filthy your dog’s mouth actually is. Dogs go through garbage cans, toilet bowls, and love smelling and licking specific body parts of some other dogs. There is an old wives’ tale that says that the mouth of a dog is cleaner than that of a human. It simply is not true.

Just as you need an annual physical exam, dogs do as well. Since your dog can’t speak, it may be difficult to know when he is having health issues. A veterinary checkup can speak when your dog cannot, and it might help you to detect health problems before they become severe.

Spay or neuter your dog. Studies have shown that this leads to the pet living a longer and much healthier life. Furthermore, altered dogs do not have the tendency to wander off, so they will stay safer.

When you have medications of any sort, keep them where your dog cannot get to it. Your dog could have a heart attack or a seizure if it swallows some pills. If your dog happens to get into any such pills, call your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately.

Watch out for dog flea treatments. A lot of these medications have ingredients that can be harmful to children and can cause cancer. Talk to your vet to learn about flea treatments that are safer and more family friendly, and always keep flea medication out of reach of children.

Carefully consider what your home is like when deciding on a breed of dog. Do not buy a dog that is lazy if you are very active. If you prefer to stay home curled up on your couch, go for a small dog that likes to be spoiled and that will curl up along with you. Avoiding a mismatch means both of you will be happier.

Dedicate enough time to correcting bad behavior right away. When you ignore this behavior, your dog thinks that it is okay. Not only will it be difficult to curb the bad behavior, he can pose physical harm to you or someone you love.

The daily brushing of your dog’s coat is beneficial, in more ways that just stopping constant shedding. It’ll also give them a very beautiful and shiny coat. Oil is distributed as you brush their hair, which keeps both fur and skin healthy.

Plenty of physical activity is one of your dog’s necessities. Dogs need routine activity and play in order to stay happy and healthy. You will enjoy the time you spend doing these things with your dog as well. It gives you exercise and helps develop a relationship that will last forever with your dog.

Now that you know how to take great care of a dog, it’s time for your new companion to come home with you! There will always be things you don’t know, so don’t stop learning. Consider joining forums to discuss your new pal with others who own dogs. Learning takes a lifetime, so don’t stop!

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