
Good Puppy Obedience Training

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obedience training for puppies
Image by Selbe B
Puppy Graduation

Puppy behavior education largely amounts to standard instructional commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘fetch’, plus a couple of others. Puppy obedience training is usually tremendously helpful in satisfying a number of the dog’s most significant necessities.

It really offers your dog certain things to aim its to. This would consequently render the puppy pretty content.

Nearly all dog owners do not understand that among the key causes why a great deal of young dogs behave badly, is the fact that people don’t maintain any focus while attempting to mould the dog’s behavior.

They do not understand how to react appropriately in the numerous situations that they will confront. Almost all pups can in fact be correctly educated as soon as they are seven or eight weeks old.

Why don’t we check out a few standard commands and the way to execute them.

To effectively teach all of the following commands employ the use of the dogs favorite treats.

1. ‘Sit’. To execute the principles of this command it is advisable to hold the portion of food, in your left hand, over the dog’s head and voice the word ‘sit’ plainly and emphatically. The automatic response of the dog at this point would be to sit on its rear end on the floor. The dog is going to do this and raise its head back at the same instance. If the pup’s rear end does not strike the floor, use your other hand, the free one, to put the dog’s bottom securely down on the ground. As soon as the dog sits on your control reward it with plenty of praise and the treat.

2. ‘Stay’. Before you start teaching this puppy obedience training command, bear in mind that rewarding the dog with the treat should ONLY be when it is in the ‘sitting’ position, at which position, the dog should be, when you issue the ‘Stay’ command. Get the puppy to sit, then firmly say ‘STAY’ and move away a few spaces at the same period. If he does not move but remains in the sitting position reward it with praise and the treat. It is very crucial that the pup recognizes that the treat and reward is because it stayed put and did not move.

3. ‘Heel’. With this puppy obedience training command it might be intelligent to clearly show the pup the treat at exactly its brow height. Ensure that the treat is in your left hand. At this point you will want to utter ‘heel’ after which you can step forward a tiny bit. While you are moving allow the dog to eat some of the presented food.

To start with, make sure you just traverse two or three steps. After that, you may proceed a bit more every instance you issue the command ‘heel’. Every time the pup does it textbook, don’t forget to reward him with praise. As soon as the doggy starts to understand what exactly is required of it, you can begin raising the portion of food slightly higher. If your puppy jumps to bite the treat be clear not to reward him. Reward him only if he obeys the command.

4. ‘Stand’. This obedience command could only be trained after you get the dog in the down position. Ensure that this is completed to make the dog understand the importance of both the commands. Use the treat to get the dog to stand on issuing the ‘stand’ command. Move the treat higher till the dog is in an erect standing position.

Reward him with the treat and praise each time he stands erect on your command. When his action becomes reflex withdraw the treat or lengthen the standing time before giving it.

5. ‘Down’. Openly and blatantly show off the treat to the dog to train it for this puppy obedience training command. At this point, you have to voice the word ‘down’ moving the treat gradually to the floor at the same time. You must use your hands to push him down to the floor only if it is required.

Reward him with the treat and loads of praise if he does lie down on your command, even if it is for just a instant or two. Repeat the exercise, and once the reaction to the command is reflex, you must withdraw the treat or give it after some time, to ensure that the dog is not obeying the command for the treat.

6. ‘Come’. The best way to teach this puppy obedience training command is to call out the name of the dog with the word ‘come’ directly after it, at various times of the day. Do no fret if you have nothing particular in mind for the dog to do.

Reward it with lots of praise each time it comes. Next, get someone to hold the dog then call his name and say ‘come’ after it. Remember to reward him each time he struggles free and comes on your call.

The accomplishment of implementing these puppy obedience training commands lies in your consistency in rewarding, praising and being friendly towards the animal.

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