
Dog Agility Training – How Can I Train My Dog to Do Agility Feats?

How can I train my dog to do agility feats? It’s a surprisingly common question. After all, agility training gives your pet the ability to build confidence, have a good time, and test his or her strengths. There are lots of options, and many different techniques for all the different dogs out there. Let’s take a look at some of the basics.

Step one is deciding whether or not you want to do the training on your own, or use a professional trainer. After that, you’ll have to decide whether you and your dog will be trying for competition, or if you just want to have a good time together in your spare time. That will tell you what kind of training you need to do and how intensive it needs to be.

If all you want is a little bit of variation in playtime with your dog, you might want to think about doing the training on your own. The equipment is minimal, and if you have a good understanding of how agility training for dogs works, you can do the basics in your back yard. However, for people without a lot of knowledge of agility equipment and training, who aren’t terribly experienced in training dogs in general, or who want their dog to compete, there are other options.

You might want to look into an introductory course given by a local dog agility expert. There are novice classes out there to introduce your dog and you to basic agility equipment, and to help you learn the kinds of handling techniques you’ll need for training your pet.

How Can I Train My Dog To Do Agility Feats Under The Supervision Of A Trainer? 

Your trainer will help you and your dog get familiar with a broad range of agility equipment, and will offer many levels of difficulty for every obstacle.

Contact equipment, weaves, jumps, tunnels and all kinds of other agility activities are available, and they all help strengthen different skills for your pet. From working on fear of the unknown to encouraging timid dogs to enjoy themselves, from helping disobedient dogs learn to work with you to helping clumsy dogs become coordinated, agility training can be a great help.

If you want to buy your own agility equipment after becoming familiar with the equipment your trainer has to offer, make sure it will fit in your yard! Single jumps work just fine (use four to substitute for a single and a triple) and there’s no reason you can’t install an eight foot dog walk instead of a twelve foot. Remember to keep your dog’s speed and size in mind – you’ll spend less to equip smaller dogs, but don’t think you can skimp on equipment.

How can I train my dog to do agility feats myself? You’ll find more information here:

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