Dog grooming prices vary depending on the business that provides the services: pet stores, pet spas, groomers shops, boarding kennels and so on. The hair thickness, the dog size and breed are relevant for the costs too. Information is available online: just check what the local business charge is.
The most relevant for these prices are the complexity of the cut and the coat thickness. Thus, you will pay up to $ 50 for small and medium breeds with short thin hair. Dog grooming prices are not higher than $ 70 for larger breeds that don’t require special treatments. Expensive rates come with all pets that require special hair treatments as it is the case with Bernese Mountain dogs or Poodles.
Dog grooming prices are very popular for bath-only grooming that is suitable for breeds with short hair which cover bathing, ear cleaning and nail trimming in just one. The savings would thus be considered significant if we consider the prices for these services separately. Bathing and grooming become available in one treatment session alone.
Dog grooming prices vary depending on the part of the country too. Needless to say that some people are willing to pay more money to pamper their pets than others, and it is all about budget. It sounds like wasted money to pay some hundreds of dollars for dog grooming or nail clipping, even if we are talking about complex cuts and special materials. The decision belongs entirely to the dog owner and so is the choice of the right grooming services.
The average services included in the dog grooming prices include hair cutting, bathing, nail trimming and ear cleaning. Tooth brushing, flea-killing shampoo and de-matting are additional services that may increase the bill a little bit.
Puppies usually get discounts and there are even service providers that work in a referral system supported by a special program.
When a certain transaction is performed, such as shopping in a certain pet store, you get a price discount for grooming in a partner business. This kind of facilities are worth checking because they reduce the costs of grooming significantly.
Tip: Check Out Dani’s Dog Grooming Book And Discover The Secrets Of Master Dog Groomers And Save Hundreds Of Dollars On Your Dog Grooming Bills Without Even Leaving Your Home!