
Should you use treats for training your dog

This is one of the most sought after questions among dog owners. Moreover no two owners will agree on the same answer. Every Dog lover and owner has a different perspective when it comes to taking care of their furry companion.

Some people say – ‘Give your pet some dog treats and he’ll obey you’, while others say ‘It’s not necessary to give the pet dog treats only to make him obey you’.

So should you or shouldn’t you use dog treats? When used in perfect moderations, you can feed your dog the all natural dog treats, which he will enjoy the most.

Feeding you dog the treats he likes can be an advantage as well as a disadvantage. Sure at first your dog may need some bribery to obey you. But don’t do it every single time he obeys you and make it a bad habit. Avoid over feeding you pet, instead simply praise him more often and distinctly also give him the dog treats.

Remember when you were kid, how you would get a dollar for a good report card or some good thing you did? Similarly, he is your dog. Even he is thirsty for praises and appreciates your love in the form of dog treats and praises. Feed him the all natural dog treat which are extremely nourishing and very delicious too. Don’t simply misuse the treats and spoil your dog or over feed him. The best way is to utilize your dog mealtimes to teach him something new.

The training session should be regular but also should be short.

Whenever you reward him with dog treats, the reward is likely to make him repeat the same. It is extremely essential that you are consistent throughout the training procedure which facilitates you to communicate properly with you dog. Expect more from your pet, but occasionally give him a bonus for a good job, as a dog mostly listens when he can see or smell a treat. Bear this in mind especially when your pet is learning a new thing. If he reacts the way you want, without doubt reward him instantly with a dog treat.

Your dog will soon be behaving the way you want and even more than that, as he wants to make you happy and also knows that, he’ll occasionally get a dog treat, too. Dog treats can be a brilliant means for training your Dog, but only when used properly and fairly!

Proud Owner of a lovely chihuahua..

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